Learn Business Spanish - Rocket Spanish Review

The Rocket Spanish is a perfect way to learn business Spanish. It combines several different teaching methods into one package. All lessons deal with basic Spanish through to everyday situations. Here are three of the main teaching methods:
Learn Business Spanish audio course with 31 lessons of 20-30 minutes
The audio contains a story about a native English speaker and her native Spanish speaking friend. The English speaker introduces the lesson and goes over concepts in the lesson. The Spanish speaker speaks the Spanish parts encouraging you to say the words or sentences after him aloud.
Each lesson ends with questions you are asked by the narrator. You are given time to say the answers aloud and then the Spanish speaker gives an answer. It is a very useful kit to learn business Spanish any time while you travel.
>> More Learn Business Spanish LessonsLearn Business Spanish e-book guide (PDF)
This part has a lesson book. It is a PDF e-book that has lessons leading any beginner through to the levels of intermediate and advanced Spanish. This is where you are shown verbs in action and the finer points of reading and writing in Spanish. You will also learn vocabulary and how Spanish grammar works in these lessons.
At the end of each lesson there are a number of questions to help you consolidate your learning. If you are in a hurry to learn business Spanish having a PDF guide will help you maximize your efforts.
Learn Business Spanish computer games
To improve your vocabulary and audio recognition the Rocket Spanish team have created for you two interactive games. You have to guess which picture is correct after hearing the written or spoken Spanish word. You receive a mark at the end of the lesson to indicate how many you got correct. There is a Vocabulary game where you can add your own pictures and words making the game as complex or large as you want.
There are two more added value to the course:
- a forum where you can ask questions and practice with other people using the course.
- new follow up lessons that are sent from time to time by the Rocket Spanish team. .
Learn Business Spanish - Rocket Spanish Package - Pros

>> Visit Easy Spanish Lessons Site
Learn Business Spanish - Rocket Spanish Package - Cons
You get a promise to speak fluent Spanish in three months. This will probably not be true unless you have previous experience with the language or have a natural gift of picking up languages easily or you focus on Spanish all day, everyday.
With the average busy lifestyle of today; you will probably learn to speak Spanish in about 6 months.
I think the bottom line is - the course serves as a good foundation for the language, but to become fluent speaker, you have to practice a lot on your own. Once you have learned all the basics, you will have to go out and start using what you have learned in order to improve.
>> More Learn Business Spanish Lessons
Watch video about 5 Ways To Learn Business Spanish Quickly
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